Sunday 27 January 2013

Zac's Near Death Experience. My Dermatologist 14th Auguat 2008

I am driving to see my Dermatologist with Maisie. 
I am half way up Marylebone Road when my mobile phone rings.
‘Answer that for me, will you darling.’ I say to Maisie.
It is very difficult to turn left off Marylebone Road into Harley Street because there is a Bus Lane in the way and one is inevitably Carved Up By A Bus, so I am concentrating on my driving.
‘Yes.’ says Maisie into my phone. 
‘Oh.’ she says 
‘Umm... she’s driving.’  she says. 
‘Did you put it out? Does Grandfather know? Don’t tell him.’ says Maisie.
‘Byee.’ she says.
Maisie clicks my phone off and gazes out of the window. ‘Your phone’s run out of battery.’ she says.
‘Is that Regent’s Park?’ she asks. ‘Can we go there after your Botox?’ she says.
‘Who was that?’ I ask ‘Was it Zac? Don’t tell Grandfather what?’ I say. A taxi driver leans on his horn and I swerve out of the Bus Lane.
I veer into Harley Street by the skin of my teeth and a Bus Carves Me Up.
‘Is Zac OK?’ I screech at Maisie.
‘Yes. He’s fine.’ says Maisie ‘He managed to put the fire out and he hasn’t told Grandfather. So....’ says Maisie, fixing me with a steady blue stare ‘everything is fine.’
While I am sitting in The Waiting Room with Maisie at my Dermatologist’s she tells me that Zac told her that while he was alone in the cabin of the 30 Square Metre Boat, he tried to light a gas ring with some Methylated Spirits. 
Maisie says that Zac said ‘It flared right up and caught the bottle on fire, and a bit of my sleeve too, so I threw the bottle away and the fire flew all around the cabin. Then I chucked a saucepan of water at it and it went out.’ 
‘But it’s OK.’ says Maisie ‘Because he tidied all the mess up and covered up the melted bits with a towel so Grandfather doesn’t know.’
Later my Dermatologist says. ‘If this slackness around your eyes is bothering you and if this lack of fullness around your mouth is an issue, you could always consider surgery.’

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