Sunday 27 January 2013

A Level Results. Friday 15th August 2008

Abigail and Posy come back from Dorset. They need to get their A Level results, They need to go into school to get them. 
I am On Tenter Hooks. It’s not ‘Tender Hooks,’ it’s ‘Tenter Hooks’ and I am On Them. 
I am, of course pretending not to be On Them. I am Casual.
‘See you later.’ I say as Abigail trips out the door and heads for the bus stop.’Let me know what you get.’ I call after her.
John is at work.
Maisie is at Jemima’s house. 
I hate her going to Jemima’s house because Jemima is entirely Free Range. Jemima is allowed to Go Anywhere. 
Maisie is Not allowed to Go Anywhere. This throws up all kinds of problems when Masie gets home.
‘Why aren’t I allowed to Go Anywhere?’ asks Maisie when she gets back from Jemima’s house.
‘Because you’re not. That’s all.’ I say ‘Jemima’s mother obviously doesn’t love her at all.’ I say. ‘But don’t tell Jemima that, it might hurt her feelings.’ I add.
Maisie is sceptical.
Zac is on his way back from Sweden. 
He is still alive.
I hate having children. 
Next time, I am not having Any.

Hours Later.

Abigail hasn’t phoned me. I check my mobile.
Abigail hasn’t texted me.
I picture Abigail clutching her envelope in her little, blue hands.
I imagine Abigail catching a train to the Bitter North, to escape the reprecussions of having failed her A Levels.
I imagine never seeing Abigail again.
I text Abigail.
‘U mst txt me. I am qte wrried.’ I text.
I am quite good at texting.
Abigail phones.
‘Have you got your results?’ I ask ‘It doesn’t matter at all what they are. We don’t even care. Not one bit.’ I add.
Abigail has her ‘A’ levels.
‘Everyone was crying.’ she says.
‘Nellie G was hysterical, she won’t get into Medical School. Posy got 3 A’s.’ she says. ‘I am So Happy. I’m going to Stalybridge. I’m going to be a Journalist.’ she sings ‘I’m going to Edit Vogue!’ yells Abigail down the phone.
I’m crying too. 
Not that I cared at all.

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