Sunday 27 January 2013

Amy Lavere. Thursday 17th July 2008

Amy LaVere is a singer that John discovered in Nashville. 
He went to Nashville with Digby Ogg and they saw Amy LaVere in a  Country and Western Club. They both thought Amy LaVere was awfully good, so when they came home John recommended Amy LaVere to a Very Good  UK PR. 
Anyway we decide to go and see Amy at a Club. Digby and Betty are coming too.
We see her a the ‘12 Bar’  in Denmark Street. Denmark Street is ‘London’s Tin Pan Alley’, but I have no idea where the other Tin Pan Alley is. 
I am ‘John + 1’ and am on the Guest List. John is still at work so Digby is ‘ + 1 John.’ 
A man on the door stamps our hands with a stamp, and we are at the Bar in a minute.
The Bar is full to the brim. 
Next door is a stage and in front of the stage is Paul Gambacini reading The Guardian. At the Bar is Chris Evans. Chris Evans has got completely White Hair which is what happens if you split up with Billy Piper. 
Next to us at the Bar is a tiny blond woman with a beautiful face and an accent like a Corn Cob Dipped in Molasses and Served on a Bed of Grits. I am not sure what Grits are but this girl has a voice fresh from Tennessee where they eat that kind of stuff.
“Wayell,’ she says ‘Ah surely ayam looking forward to hearin’ Aimy plaiy.’ or something similar. 
Digby buys Betty and me a glass of wine. Digby looks just like a Roadie and fits in well.
The PR spots us. 
‘Hi,’ he says ‘John here yet? Come next door Amy’s on in a sec.’
We go next door and Amy jumps on stage. 
She looks just like a Walton. 
She has a huge Double Bass. 
She has a Drummer and a Guitar Player. 
Amy launches into ‘Killing him Didn’t make The Love Go Away’ which is a shame because I was hoping to Kill John,  get rid of the Love and go to live in Cornwall but according to Amy this is entirely not possible and you just end up loving a Dead Person which is worse than Loving a Live One.
I love songs with stories.
Amy is very Rocky. I think her album has been over produced but I am not reviewing Amy so it doesn’t matter what I think.
Betty likes Amy very much and Paul Gambacini has a woman friend who is dancing and swinging her hair about. Digby is looking suitably cool and unimpressed.
John arrives half way through Amy’s set. Amy is bashing her Double Bass and singing ‘That Beat.’ John comes and stands near us. He is the only person here wearing a suit. 
Once John wore his suit to a music festival.
After Amy leaves the stage, John introduces me to the blond woman from Tennessee. 
She is called Elizabeth Cook. She is a Country singer too. 
She says ‘Everyone at the Grayand Old Oprey thinks ahm cuckoo.’ Then she says ‘Ah just lurve your hayer. Ah wish me hayer would do that edgy kand of thang.’  
I think I must have misunderstood.
‘My hair?’ I say. I didn’t have time to wash my hair before I came out. My hair does not look edgy unless being on the very edge of very dirty counts.
‘Yes.’ says Elizabeth Cook ‘It looks real nice.’
I like Elizabeth Cook. I think I will uy her CD.
We go to get another drink at the Bar. Amy rushes up and hugs John and he loooks very pleased. The PR comes over and says he is very pleased too. 
Later we go to an Indan Restaurant in Neil Street. The restaurant is run by Sikhs and Betty and me agree that if her brother, Luke, wore a turban he would look exactly like a Sikh too.

Thursday 24th July 2008
The Gastro Pub and The House Over The Road.

The people who owned The House Over The Road had to move. 
They had No Choice. 
The Smoking Ban meant that their Gastro Pub stopped smelling of smoke and began to smell of cooking fat and men in wet jumpers. 
This was very Off Putting.  
Instead of going to the Gastro Pub, Everyone began to cook their own food. They learned, in just a few short months, to make Goats Cheese Salad with Pinenuts or Crispy Duck on a Bed of Hoy Fung Noodles with a Sesame Seed Jus and Everyone began to buy their beer in Waitrose. 
This made The Gastro Pub Redundant and Bust.
The Knock On Effect was The Knock Down Price.
I wonder who has bought The House Over The Road. 
Ellis will be very annoyed, he has been looking for a house in our road for 15 years. 

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