Sunday 27 January 2013

Maisie and Me. Monday 11th August 2008

Maisie and me Draw Pictures.
Maisie and me watch The Waltons on DVD.
Maisie and me make Candles and Stickers.
We eat Pot Noodles.
We trawl around Tate Modern
We take Evil for a walk in the Park. 
I wear a hat in case we bump into Inigo in the street . 
I know he probably wouldn’t recognise me anyway, what with all the ravages of 20 years etched onto my face, but you can’t be too careful.
‘Why are you wearing that stupid hat Mum?’ asks Maisie.
‘I just am, that’s all.’ I say.
‘You should go to the hairdresser.’ says Maisie ‘Then you wouldn’t have to wear it.’
I think this is probably a very good idea.
I book an appointment at Daniel Hersheson in Harvey Nichols. Daniel Hersheson is supposed to be very good at mending disastrous hair damage.
I book an appointment for Botox with My Dermatologist at the same time. 
If I do bump into Inigo in the street at least I will look Completely Blank and Expressionless and at least my hair won’t be sticking up.

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