Sunday 27 January 2013

Wasps GCSE Results. Tuesday 26th August 2008

We go to Lakka.
We go in the shiny little Hire Car. We all fit in it without our cases and it has Air Conditioning which is nice. 
Paxos is covered in Olive Groves. I make John stop the car and we walk through the trees with the cicadas blaring in our ears. Maisie sees a snake. 
Lakka is full of wasps. We sit in Fany’s Bar. 
‘They should change it’s name to Fany’s Wasp Bar.’ says Maisie.
We actually can’t sit in Fany’s bar for more than a few minutes. It is too scary. Zac traps wasps under his glass. Two drown in our pot of honey. 
We decide to go back to Gaios for lunch.
At lunch Abigail eats some bread and some ratatouille.
We all pretend not to notice what Abigail eats but we are all Very Happy.
. Later, while we are sitting round the Infinity Pool, Beata texts Zac.
Zac runs into the Villa clutching his phone.
Zac comes out again.
‘10 As.’ he says  ‘And 2 A*s.’

We decide to hire another speed boat. We love hiring speed boats. 
We take the speed boat up the coast and find a Taverna like a Bedouin Tent. in a Secret Cove We  drop anchor and wade ashore.
Abigail has a Mojito in the Bedouin Tent. Zac has a Tequila Sunrise. 
I climb down some rocks and stand knee deep in the sea. I am looking for a Sea Urchin to show to Maisie.I find one and bare it triumphantly back to the Taverna.
‘’You have to take them by surprise.’ I tell Maisie ‘Otherwise they cling on to the rocks. And you have to pick them up gently or the spines break off and stick into your fingers.’
I place the Urchin on Maisie’s outstretched hand and it perambulates blue-black across her palm in a slow motion cartwheel. Maisie is entranced.
Behind us, on the rocks, an Italian family harvest Urchins with small sharp pocket knives, cutting their catch open and feasting on the soft flesh within.
‘That’s gross.’ says Abigail sipping her Mojito. “they’re still alive and everything.’
‘Yeah.’ says Zac ‘What is it with Europeans and eating disgusting stuff ? How good can a sea urchin taste exactly?’

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