Sunday 27 January 2013

Going Home. Bloody Inigo. 1st September 2008

Our holiday is over. 
We have packed. We have waved Goodbye to the small Square Villa and the Infinity Pool and we are on The Greek Islands Club Boat.
It is Dawn.
The sun hurls itself up over the horizon and the sea turns green then purple. 
In the shallow water by the harbour wall Abigail and me see an Octopus swim beneath the Boat. We see shoals of fish in the silver shadows. 
The Boat sounds it’s horn and Paxos slides away behind us. 
Hours later flying fish escort us into harbour at Corfu.
At Corfu Airport The Very Tired Rep is dealing with Changeover Day.
‘How long is it until the end of the season?’ John asks her.
‘Two weeks, six hours and forty two minutes.’ says The Rep. Then she gives John a tired smile. ‘Not that I’m counting, or anything.’ she says.

Wednesday 3rd September 2008. Amnesia

Oh God, I’d forgotten all about Inigo.

Friday 5th September 2008.

Inigo has married/partnerfied a Yummy Mummy. She probably wasn’t a Yummy Mummy before he married her, but she is now, I know, I have just Seen Her Pushing a Bugaboo Pushchair Down Our Street. 
She came out of the House Over The Road that should have been Ellis’s and just Pushed her Pram about as though there was no tomorrow.
She was wearing a Boden Tank Top.
I can’t believe that Inigo would be such a Sell Out. 
I met Inigo at Art School.
Unfortunately I had all ready met John , Not at Art School. 
I went to Whitstable with Inigo and sat by the harbour eating Oysters. I went to The Gay Hussar with John and had a lovely time. 
Inigo made sculptures using a chainsaw.
John drew brilliant page designs for his Newspaper.
I didn’t really do anything constructive apart from filling masses of sketch books with some not very good sketches and painting giant pigeons on wallpaper liner - Over and Over again. They never seemed to get any better.
Oh Well.
Then John found out about the Oysters and by extension - Inigo - mostly because Fiona got very cross on John’s behalf and told him - but I don’t mind now.
But John probably does mind...even though it was in 1981.
Anyway, I was not expecting  Inigo and his bloody Bugaboo-Wife-Thing to move into Ellis’s House Over The Road.
I had better tell John.
‘John, guess what ?’ I will say. Do you remember Inigo ?  
No ? Me neither actually. But anyway, he has just moved into that house that Ellis wanted with a bloody Bugaboo- Pushing-Boden-Wearing-Wife-Thing. What do you think of that ?’
Inigo used to live in Lavender Hill. I think it shoud be illegal to move from Lavender Hill to North London without a Visa or similar.
I think I will pretend to be asleep when John comes home.

Monday 8th September 2008.
Still Alive ( despite Air Excel ) Still haven’t told John about Inigo. Still haven’t actually seen Inigo (apart from once on the day he moved in.)

Maybe it wasn’t Inigo that moved into Ellis’s House. perhaps it was someone remarkably similar. After all it is practically impossible to afford a house in North London, even during a Credit Crunch, on money earned by making sculptures with a chainsaw.
Arabella, who knew Inigo in 1979, told me that she had heard that nowdays Inigo runs a very successful Design Consultancy but she may have been wrong and anyway the Credit Crunch should have put paid to all that.
Arabella and her new man are spending next weekend in  Suffolk with us and Ellis too, perhaps  I should Very Subtley ask her if she’s heard that Inigo has moved North of the River.
No, I have decided that it is quite impossible.
I am beginning to thing that the Whole Inigo Thing is a bit of a Prawn in a Teacup.

Wednesday 10th September 2008

‘Guess what ?’ says John when he rolled in from work at 10.45 PM. ‘That Inigo Bloke that you used to go out with at the same time as me, has moved into the house opposite. I just bumped into him in the street. He’s a Sub on the Times. Who’d have thought it ? says John. ‘Is there anything for supper ? Or shall I phone for a takeaway ? Is there any wine left ?’
Some times I think John is really bizarre.

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