Friday 25 January 2013

Aftermath. Tuesday 8th July 2008

‘You literally wouldn’t believe the mess the house was in while you were away.’ says Zac.
Zac is very stressed.
‘Why don’t you ever look after me?’ says Zac.
‘I do look after you. I do my best.’ I say.’You have to understand that I have Abigail and her Eating Disorder to contend with AND I have Maisie who is very Small AND you are the Middle Child  so you are bound to suffer from Middle Child Syndrome and anyway, you manage so well that frankly I can’t really imagine that you are a Priority. How would you like this ‘Looking After’ to manifest itself? What would make you feel better?’ I say.
‘You’re hopeless.’ says Zac. ‘They drank Vodka out of a Watermelon while you were away. They smoked. The house was full of people that Abby didn’t know. They dropped the Water Melon on the Kitchen Floor!’ Zac fixes me with his Denim Blue Stare. ‘Don’t you even mind?’ he says.
‘It’s not true.’ says Abigail. ‘It was all fine. We were fine. Angus was here with Zac. The house isn’t a mess is it?’
The house isn’t a mess.
Ellie comes over.
‘It would have freaked me out.’ she says ‘I couldn’t have dealt with that many people.’ she says ‘I would have found that really stressful.’ she says.
‘Thank you.’ says Zac.
‘You two need to Chill Out.’ says Abigail.
Abigail is Very Thin.

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