Sunday 27 January 2013


I have a cough. it's a terrible cough. it shakes me to my very foundations. Abigail says ‘Is that necessary?’ I promise you it is.
‘Why don’t you go to the doctor asks John. have you ever been to the doctor I ask. Do you have any idea what happens to you when you go to the doctor. Of course he doesn’t because John has Private Health Insurance.What happens is that you are sent to The Hospital and can kiss goodbye to the rest of your day. 
Anyway I decide to sit and read and write I decide to light a fire and to rest.  Unfortunately, some wood is deliverd and I have to  spend the whole afternoon stacking wood in the raon . I am not all sure that one is allowed to burn wood in central London so it is imperitive that I move it. 
"You look worried." Says the wood delivery man, having dumped one metric tonne of wood on the pavement in front of our house, causing a slight obstruction.
 "Well, " I say "you can’t leave a load of wood in the middle odf the pavemant. I have a cough." I say "I have bronchitis."  Luckily the wood man buys this story and moves the wood. 
Today I am very ill. I sirt and watch Brideshead Revisited. I drink Benylin and  Cuvee opale Gen Cru Champagne and take Pills. Last night I took sleeping pills I am becoming That sort of person. I am not at all sure that this is a good thing or that being that sort of prson is necessary or who that sort of person infact is. I stack wood. John tries to help but he drops a plant in the pond and kills a fish.

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