Thursday 24 January 2013

Quiet. Kate Atkinson. Wednesday 2ND April 2008.

Wednesday 2nd April 2008.
Kate Atkinson.

A whole day of quiet, of silence, of peace. 
I have finished  ‘One good Turn’ by Kate Atkinson.
 I would be very happy if I could write like Kate Atkinson I would also be very rich and living in a honey coloured L shaped farmhouse in the Cotswolds next door to Joanna Trollope and Kate Moss. I would, however, not be happy if I wrote like Joanna Trollope, aforementioned L shaped house notwithstanding. 
I don’t expect Kate Moss can write at all but she is very pretty.
Zac has gone to see Arsenal beat Liverpool at the Emirates Stadium where they beat people and he is going to walk home later with a triumphant Arsenal crowd.
Abigail has gone to Posy’s house for a study day. They are going to get The Illiad off by heart for their A Level Classical Civilization.
Maisie has gone to Billie’s house and John has gone to work. 
I am having a nice, quiet  time.

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