Sunday 27 January 2013

Paxos ! August 18th 2008

Everyone knows that ‘Somewhere between Calabria and Corfu the blue really begins’ but of course at 38,000 feet one is not really in a position to appreciate it. 
Air Excel executes one of it’s very most exciting  landings for our delection, thumping down on the tree bedecked, isle to a collective gasp. The woman sitting next to Abigail  buries her head in ‘Hello’ and comes up for air as we shudder to a halt.
‘Don’t worry.’ says Abigail, patting her hand reassuringly. ‘It’ll be the same on the way home. They always do it like that.’
‘They do !’ says Maisie delightedly ‘They always do.’
Zac is as white as a sheet.
A Very Tired Rep meets us at Corfu Airport. She has a Clip Board. She says the same thing over and over again.
‘If you would like to take the left hand door.’ she says ‘Your coach is waiting to take you to The Port. The coach is clearly labelled. Names please ? Oh, thank you so very much. Enjoy your stay.’
‘I wonder how long it is until the end of the season.’ says John.
‘I don’t think she’s going to make it.’ says Abigail.
‘Can we go home by boat?’ says Zac.
We climb onto the coach and the Very Tired Rep climbs on too. 
‘Welcome aboard your Greek Islands Club Coach.’ she intones into a microphone. ‘Now, we have a twenty minute journey to The Port where we will Transfer aboard our Greek Islands Club Boat bound for Paxos. The journey aboard the Greek Island Club Boat will take about two and a half hours. Enjoy your trip.’  she says and collapses into a seat next to the driver.
‘Blimey.’ says John.
Much later we ‘Transfer’ aboard our Greek Islands Club Boat. It is a very nice boat. We sit inside because John and Abigail hate the Sun. They slather themselves in Sun Block even though they are sitting inside, then they both fall asleep. 
Sometimes I think John and Abigail are very Alike.
Zac and Maisie and me sneak outside. We stand on the Bow. 
Zac cheers up. 
‘I’m king of the world.’ he says, spreading his arms wide.
‘That’s from ‘Titanic’ says Maisie.
It is very rough. The crystal dark Ionian Sea flexes smooth blue muscles lifting the Greek Islands Club Boat high atop white flecked waves. 
Suddenly, all around us there are Dolphins, leaping, twisting, riding the wave, and then they are Gone. 
‘That was so cool.’ says Zac.
Much, much later we arrive at our Villa. We have a shiny little Hire Car. We all have to sit on each other and on our suitcases to fit in.
‘Don’t worry.’ says our Rep ‘It’s only a five minute trip up the hill. Once you’ve dumped the cases you’ll fit perfectly.’
The villa is small and square. It stands knee deep in a garden resplendant with Bougainvillia, awash with Plumbago, bedecked with Morning Glory and furnished with ancient, twisted Olives swaying silver then green in the afternoon breeze. 
‘Actually, I think you’ll find that that’s Bindweed 
rather than Morning Glory.’ says John.
Overlooking the sea is an Infinity Pool surronded by Sea Lilies alive with Hummingbird Hawk Moths.
‘I suppose you’re going to tell me that that’s a Paddling Pool.’ I say.
‘It’s much nicer than I thought it was going to be.’ says John.
I love Greece.

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