Sunday 27 January 2013

Inigo. Tuesday - Saturday 9th August 2008

Tuesday 5th August 2008. Inigo.

Inigo has moved into The House Across The Road. John must Never Never find out.

Thursday 5th August 2008. Inigo.

Actually, it doesn’t matter if John finds out about Inigo moving into The House Over The Road. 
In fact it is probably impossible for me to prevnt John Finding Out.
It was all a Long Time Ago and  we are all Grown Ups now. 
I really must try to stop being so Completely Stupid.

Saturday 9th August 2008. Completely Stupid.

I still haven’t told John about Inigo. 
I think I will pretend that I have just noticed that Inigo has moved into The House Across The Road after we get back from Greece. 
This plan has the added advantage that we may very well not get back from Greece at all, as we are flying Air Excel and they are not very good at landing.

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